Privacy Policy: Detailed Information

Data Protection. Detailed information.

Basic information

The basic information is found in layer I Data protection. Basic information.

Detailed information

In general, the only data that will be used is the IP exclusively for technical purposes in order to facilitate the use of the platform user, manage security and provide quality to it; With the exception of the data that is provided through the contact form or for the contracting of the services offered.

The policies for the use of this website are freely and voluntarily accepted by both users and visitors.

Personal Data, purposes and period during which the data is kept

Only the minimum, adequate and pertinent data is requested for the purposes for which it is required.

The data governed by the contact form is intended to respond to requests made by the user, the commercial contact and the provision of services. The duration of these is indefinite.

The purpose of the data corresponding to the IP is to allow the intercommunication of the equipment and facilitate navigation. Its duration is two months. Failure to provide such data will make access to the web difficult due to the application of anti-spam policy

Recipients of Personal Data

No other communication will be made to other entities, except those communications that are produced by obligation or legal necessity to entities that, among others, include:

◾ The State Security Forces and Bodies, Judges, Public Prosecutor's Office, Courts and Tribunals and other Public Administrations or Authorities that require it in the exercise of their powers. To carry out the communication, a pertinent documented requirement is necessary.

◾ Others, such as notaries, solicitors, notaries and lawyers, for the satisfaction of legal needs that may arise for the legal defense of our interests.

There are no transfers to third countries or international organizations that do not offer adequate guarantees, except that the user provides a contact email whose service provider may be in such a situation.

Exercise of the user's rights in relation to their Personal Data.

Information: you have the right to be clearly informed BEFORE what data will be collected, what data is being processed, for what purpose it is processed, where the data has been obtained and if it is to be communicated or has been communicated to someone.

Access: to know what data is being processed, for what purpose it is processed, where the data has been obtained and if they are going to communicate it or have it communicated to someone.

Rectification: to modify inaccurate or incomplete data.

Cancellation: to cancel inappropriate or excessive data

Opposition: to demand that the data be processed or that they stop being processed, although only in the cases established by law.

Limitation of treatment: to request that data processing be suspended in the cases established by law, but maintaining them in order to facilitate the exercise of the legal actions that you deem appropriate.

Data portability: to be able to receive the data provided in a structured and commonly used electronic format and to be able to transmit it to another person in charge.

Right not to be the subject of individualized decisions: so that a decision is not made about the user that produces legal effects or affects them based only on the processing of your data.

You can exercise your rights:

By writing to the address: Plaza Escuela Sevillana, 18 CP 41940 de Tomares (Seville)

By email to the address:

What information you must provide to exercise your rights.

Reference: identify in the matter that it is about the exercise of your rights.

Content of the request you make, including those documents that it deems appropriate or necessary based on these.

Address where you want to receive successive notifications.

Ownership of the right, in order to prove the effective personality of the person making the request. Said accreditation can be carried out by means that guarantee identity (ID, electronic signature or any other document). In case of acting on behalf, power of attorney to prove it.

When you can withdraw consent

You can withdraw the consent given, at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

Claim before a Control authority

You have the right to seek the protection of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).

Existence of automated decisions (including profiling)

No user profiles are made on this website or automated decisions are made.

Origin of Personal Data

All data is collected from the interested party.

Cookies and Security

All information is collected in "Cookies Policy" and "Política de seguridad"


Minors, without the prior authorization of parents, guardians or legal representatives, may not use the services available on the Web.

Parents, guardians or legal representatives are solely responsible for all acts carried out through the Web by the minors in their charge and, also, for the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, in their case, of the boxes that accompany them.

Date updated: October 24, 2021

For any questions or queries:

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