What is MYHIXEL Control

What is MYHIXEL Control

On April 10, 2023, we launched our most innovative ejaculatory control solution to date: MYHIXEL Control. This new solution includes the programs of our original solutions, MYHIXEL MED and MYHIXEL TR, in a single application that adapts to your needs, incorporating new functionalities and the latest technological advances.

MYHIXEL Control combines a new app & device, both updated and improved. It has been developed from our experience with over 20,000 users. We have applied the latest medical, scientific, and technological advancements to provide you with a superior experience, making this the most advanced ejaculation control device on the market.

MYHIXEL Control is for you if you want to learn to control your climax and decide when to ejaculate, and you are looking for a 100% natural solution, without side effects. It is the ideal methodology, whether you have a lack of ejaculatory control from the beginning of your sexual life or acquired later, usually or only occasionally, if stress influences your relations or you simply want to enjoy them more... With MYHIXEL Control you can prolong your intimate relations up to 7 times more.

What is new with MYHIXEL Control?

Now, the new MYHIXEL CONTROL unifies both experiences in a single solution, thanks to which you will be able to:

- Enjoy a realistic penetration experience, thanks to its improved heating and vibration system.

- Keep track of your progress in real-time with its Bluetooth connectivity between the app and the device.

- Gain a better understanding of your body's response with its exclusive speed and movement sensors.

- Improve your ejaculatory control with maximum peace of mind, due to its anonymous and protected data.

- Clean it comfortably thanks to the IPX7 waterproof system.

Besides this, we have introduced artificial intelligence in our MYHIXEL Play Control App program, so it now adapts 100% to each user's particular needs.

  • “The device itself seems to be well built so far, I've had it for a few months now. But the real magic for me was in the app. I didn't realize at what point I could become aware and even control certain parts of my body. Even if I didn't struggle to last longer this would be useful to know for any guy!”


  • “Honestly it's worth it just for the app, the stuff you learn in there will really help your sexlife, small investment for something so important.”


  • “The combination of the app teaching you stuff and giving you activities to try is excellent.”



Approved by experts in sexology and urology.

  • 9149AB5B-27CF-412A-A40E-B7A037914F74

    Dos tercios de los pacientes que han participado en nuestro último estudio han dejado de sufrir eyaculación precoz.

    Dr. Jesús Rodríguez


  • 9149AB5B-27CF-412A-A40E-B7A037914F74

    Projects like MYHIXEL
    are always welcome
    in the field of Sexology.

    Borja Rodríguez


  • 9149AB5B-27CF-412A-A40E-B7A037914F74

    MYHIXEL ofrece a los hombres una terapia eficaz para la EP que pueden realizar en la intimidad de su hogar con el apoyo del equipo MYHIXEL.

    Dr. Karin S. Eilber


Approved by experts in sexology and urology.